Sunday, May 19, 2013

the great outdoors

If there is one thing I know to be true on this earth, it is this: throwing rocks off a cliff or down a mountain is really, ridiculously fun. 

Ammon and I went hiking with a couple friends last Tuesday and then we went camping near Flaming Gorge with his family over the weekend. It was during these two adventures that I realized just how satisfying it is to throw rocks. I like throwing them as far as I can. I like watching them shatter. I like the ripples they make when they hit the water. I like the sound they make each time they hit something on their way down. It's so simple. But I love it.

I also like watching my husband throw rocks. 

Provo Canyon:

Flaming Gorge:

The bigger the better, right?

Here's the rest of what I've captured during our time spent in the great outdoors:
About ready to hike up Provo Canyon 


Provo canyon is beautiful!

 Flaming Gorge with the fam:

just chillin

lots of fishing

and catching crawdads

I did it! I finally held a crawdad! It was my first time ever. {and probably my last}

Caleb was pro at catching crawdads. He took quite a few pinches for the team.
Ammon caught a fish! 

It was just a little guy, but still exciting!

Well. My skin is fried, my back is achy, (Ammon and I tent camped) but oh man do I feel good! I love the great outdoors and I am loving this weather so I can enjoy it comfortably. I'm grateful for parents who took me to National Parks instead of Disneyland because my passion lies within just a few miles of my front door. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

how to create beach-like curls without heat

One of my summer bucketlist items includes going the whole summer without using heat. 

How is this going to be possible? My hair is not naturally straight. Nor is it naturally curly. It's just kinda in between. Well. I have found the perfect solution that I am so excited to share. I plan on having beach-like wavy hair all summer. And here's how:

Conair medium spiral curlers. 
Plus a little bit of this every other day:

I've never used either of these products before, but so far I am liking both of them very much. Especially the curlers. I bought them at Rite Aid for $13 and they work very well with my hair. All I do is spritz my hair with a little bit of water with a spray bottle or I wait until my hair is just about dry after a shower. (If your hair is too wet, then it will take a lot longer to work). Then I wrap my hair around the curlers as if it was a curling iron. It'll look a little something like this:
Then I wait about 10 minutes or so and my hair looks like this:

Tuh-duh! Beautiful beach-like curls without any heat! 

Note: if you want your curls to be a little tighter, here's a very helpful video. (This video is where I got the inspiration to go without heat)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

i have two amazing mothers!

Tomorrow is mother's day. I have been looking forward to writing this post for a long time. But before I begin writing, here are some feel good quotes about moms that I found on pinterest. 

 There are two very amazing women in my life whom I call mom. First, there's my mom-the one who miraculously birthed me after a traumatic delivery. {you can ask her about that next time you get a chance} 

My mom has always been there for me. Especially during my dramatic teenage years. I remember just running to her bawling about boys and she always knew exactly what to say. She was always willing to stay up late just to talk, even though she had to work early the next morning. 

My mom taught me many important things. Like grammar. She's the reason I correct people's grammar in my head all the time. (I used to do it out loud but I started losing friends... haha) 

My mom taught me the importance of being honest. Her motto was always this, "Honey, is it worth your eternal salvation?" Nope. Even the smallest lies are certainly not worth my eternal salvation- that's what she taught me. 

My mom taught me the power of prayer. One day we were driving in a really scary rain storm when the wipers stopped working. She turned to me and asked me if I wanted to say a prayer and ask for them to start working again. I remember telling her that I didn't have enough faith and that she should say the prayer. So she did. And as soon as she said, "amen" the wipers started working again. 

I love my mom. God sent me to her for a reason. 

The other amazing woman I call mom is my mom-in-law. She has taken me under her wing as soon as she met me. She sincerely cares about me and gives me great advice on life. It's really easy to call her mom.
She is strong, hilarious, and I love her. 

Both these ladies are going to make amazing grandmas and I'm excited to know that they will be there for me  and Ammon forever. :) Happy mother's day to the two most amazing moms I know! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

summer bucketlist

SUMMER! SUMMER! I am so excited for this SUMMER!
This summer I will have a lot more free time. 
Here are my goals for this summer:

I'm especially excited for the getting really tan one and for finishing my t-shirt quilt. 

when ammon's family comes to town

Ammon's family came to Provo and spent a whole week with us. 
I seriously love when they come and visit.
You might think you have the best in-laws, but I'm the one who has the best in-laws.
First off, ever since day one, they have been so nice to me.
Second, they have really good advice.
Third, they are very adventurous and take us kids to do fun things.
Fourth, they are still madly in love with each other and are the best parents.
Whenever I'm with Ammon's family, I never feel stressed or awkward. Everyone treats each other with respect and there is hardly ever any arguing. {dare I say never?} I seriously take mental notes every other second on how to be a good parent when I'm with Ammon's family. Last week was a blast with them. 

Dinosaur museum

Evelyn right before we hiked Diamond Fork

Ammon's sibs

haha. I love this picture. It perfectly captures the grossness and crowdedness of the natural hot springs
my super cute mom and dad in law

i love this guy so much!!!

on the way back I spotted a snake

Evelyn's not so sure about it at first

my turn. proof that i'm not afraid of snakes?

Nickel City

Elias won the block game his first try!

i've never seen my dad-in-law get this excited about a game :)

Hiking to Bell Canyon Lower Falls

oh my!


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