Monday, April 1, 2013

want to see a magic trick?

A slightly long time ago, in a not so far away land, Ammon and I were were really bored. 
The month was August, which meant the weather was far too warm to go outside.
Thus, the following pictures proceeded: 

We thought it was the coolest thing. And now that it's been two years, we still think it's cool.  The following pictures were taken at my Aunt's house in Riverton. We were visiting for Easter and couldn't resist. :)



Oh man. Some things never change. Like my love for Ammon. Because I'm not the only one that thinks doing dumb things makes us really cool. :)


  1. Haha awesome! I must know the secret some day! You guys are a ton of fun :)

  2. We all thought that was cool. You can show us soon and we will take more pictures!Can't wait to see you guys!

  3. You are definitely my granddaughter. Always finding a different way to entertain yourself - and Ammon. Wonder if there is a place for you in the nearest circus?! I love you both.Some day lets spend some time together - just we three.


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