Today was a very special day.
My brother Ryan was sealed to my family.
And my brother Taylor entered the MTC to serve a full time LDS mission.
Before Taylor left for the MTC, I tried to spend as much time with him as I could.
On Monday we hiked the Y.
Daniel was struggling, but we were able to encourage him to keep going |
We made it! |
On Tuesday we went and saw the Lego movie because Taylor hadn't seen it yet. It was my second time. I love that movie!
After the Lego movie, we went to J Dawgs.
Then back to my place to play chess. Taylor won. (I stink at chess.)
That night Taylor was set apart as a missionary. My good friend Rachelle and Ammon's brother Nephi were there, as well as the rest of my family. Taylor's stake president shared some sound advice and the spirit was very present. I was hit with emotion that this was really happening! My brother was going to be a missionary!
Today was perfect.
I have a testimony that it is in God's temple that families can be sealed together forever.
I've been singing those lyrics since I was a child, but today I really felt it.
Ryan was literally shouting for joy the moment he was sealed to us.
I love moments like today because it always brings my family closer together.
After the sealing we went to Kneaders for all you can eat french toast.
Then we went to the BYU art museum.
We're in love. |
It was here that Ammon and I had to say our goodbyes. Only 1 car per MTC drop-off and there wasn't enough room for us.
Haha! Okay, the last 2 pictures were actually staged. I didn't cry when we said our goodbyes. I was surprisingly very happy and excited for him. Don't get me wrong, 2 years is a very long time and I'm going to miss him like crazy! But I'm more proud than anything.
I'll see you in two little brother!
Taylor was called to serve in the Kennewick Washington mission.